Mampukah Perdana Menteri Menghalang Rothshchild?
Syarikat proksi Rothschild iaitu Lynas Corporation dari Australia telah diberi kebenaran oleh kerajaan negeri Pahang untuk membina kilang memproses ‘rare earth’ di kawasan Gebeng, Kuantan sejak lebih setahun lalu.
Hari ini melalui siaran berita televisyen PM memberi jaminan bahawa pasukan siasatan akan ditubuhkan bagi menyiasat perkembangan pembinaan kilang tersebut.
Persoalannya mampukah kerajaan Malaysia menghalang proksi Rothschild dari meneruskan operasi di Gebeng, Kuantan? Blog konspirasi menyatakan YA! Kerana? Kita perlu ingat penasihat komunikasi kerajaan Malaysia ialah APCO Worldwide.
Di sini, APCO boleh berperanan sebagai orang tengah bagi mengurus kredibiliti kerajaan Malaysia dalam dua perkara iaitu mengembalikan keyakinan orang ramai kepada kerajaan persekutuan tetapi dalam masa yang sama meneruskan operasi Lynas Corporation tanpa mendapat bantahan rakyat Malaysia.
rare earth |
Lynas Corporation Tidak Akan Hilang Dari Malaysia
tapak projek |
Syarikat sekutu Yahudi
JP Morgan ini tidak akan berhenti begitu sahaja kerana ramai penganalisis-penganalisis ekonomi memerhatikan bahawa Lynas adalah syarikat yang bakal bergelar MEGA MULTI BILLION dalam senarai top ten pengeluar ‘rare earth’. Ia juga dikatakan bakal mengatasi pencabar utamanya dalam bidang galian ini iaitu Molycorp.
Pelanggan-pelanggan utama Lynas yang sedang menunggu ialah syarikat-syarikat terkukuh di dunia seperti Toyota, Apple dan Raytheon Corporation.
Menurut juru cakap JP Morgan, pasaran bahan ‘rare earth’ dijangka meningkat mendadak kerana permintaan dunia terhadap teknologi ‘mesra alam’ seperti hybrid sangat tinggi. Rare earth satu-satunya unsur yang paling sesuai untuk pembinaan bateri hybrid, laser missles, panel solar dan lain-lain teknologi mesra alam maka pelaburan JP Morgan ke atas Lynas Corporation adalah tepat.
Kilang ‘Rare Earth’ Menjana Radioaktif
Berita Bernama mempersoalkan Lynas Corporation, jika kilang itu selamat mengapa kerajaan Australia melarang pembinaannya di sana?
Peliknya, Menteri Besar Pahang berkali-kali mempertahankan kenyataan bahawa projek ini selamat seolah-olah dia (Adnan Yaakob) pakar dalam kajian radioaktif. Malah Adnan juga menuduh parti pembangkang sengaja mencari kesalahan kerajaan negeri. Hakikat sebenar radio aktif memang sangat berbahaya.
Sepatutnya Adnan (jika beliau bijak) merujuk dahulu laporan Kertas Penyelidikan Parlimen Australia yang diterbitkan pada 2007 berkaitan bahaya penggalian ‘rare earth’. Bukan sahaja Australian ,kerajaan China juga mengambil keputusan menghalang sebarang pembinaan kilang ‘rare earth’ di negara mereka.
Termasuk dengan projek Lynas ini, kerajaan Pahang telah 2 kali menjadikan rakyat Pahang sebagai bahan ujikaji kompeni Yahudi elit. Yang pertama ialah pelepasan Nyamuk GM di Bentong dan yang kedua projek ini di Gebeng, Kuantan.
Bagi menyedarkan masyarakat setempat, masyarakat haruslah mengambil peranan dengan menyebarkan maklumat tentang kesan negatif kewujudan Lynas Corporation di Kuantan. Masalah ini bukan lagi persoalan isu politik tetapi semua rakyat akan terkena impaknya tanpa mengira latar belakang politik.
What are Rare Earths?
Rare Earths are a moderately abundant group of 15 metallic elements known as the Lanthanide series (atomic numbers 57 through to 71) plus Yttrium (39). Although Scandium (atomic number 21) is not a Rare Earth element, it is commonly included with the Lanthanides because of its similar properties.
The 15 lanthanides are represented by the single square of lanthanum in the main part of the periodic table and listed in a separate sub group below the main groupings.
They range in crustal abundance from cerium, the most abundant, at 60 parts per million, which is in fact more abundant than nickel or copper, to thulium and lutetium, the least abundant Rare Earth element at about 0.5 parts per million.
Rare Earths are not found as free metals in the earth’s crust, rather within a mixed ‘cocktail’ of Rare Earth elements that need to be separated for their individual or combined commercial use. Despite their name, Rare Earths are relatively abundant in the earths crust, however are often of low quality and rarely presented in economic concentration.
China currently supplies approximately 95% of the global Rare Earths market. More than 70% of the supply of light Rare Earths are supplied from one mine in China. Mt Weld, with its very high grade contains light Rare Earths and is also high in Europium, a heavy Rare Earth.
What are their prices?
The first point to note about Rare Earths prices is that there is significant variance in the relative market value for selected Rare Earths oxides. Secondly, the price of Rare Earths depends on the purity level, which is largely set by the specifications for each application.
The table below shows the average annual price for a 'standard' 99% purity of individual elements and for the generic composite of Rare Earths equivalent to the Rare Earths distribution at Mt Weld. Prices are quoted in US$/kg on an FOB China basis. Note that higher purity oxides and other value added properties will attract higher prices than those shown.
Note: Mt Weld distribution totals 98.9%, the balance is made up of Gadolinium, Holmium, Erbium and Yttrium oxides. Regular pricing information is not available for these metals.
High demand, restricted supply have raised profile of rare earth elements
With 95 percent of the market and new restrictions on the export of rare earth elements, China currently has a stranglehold on the global supply of these important materials.
“China was naturally blessed with 40 to 60 percent of the world’s rare earths. The Middle East has oil, China has rare earths,” Matthew James, a spokesman for Lynas Corp. a mine operator out of Sydney, Australia said
Kilns at the Lynas Advanced Materials Plant in Malaysia.
Courtesy Lynas Corporation |
The supply issues surrounding rare earth elements has sparked the United States and other countries to take action and develop new mines and processing facilities.
The U.S. Department of Energy is set to release a strategic plan this fall addressing the role of rare earth elements in clean energy components.
“As a society, we have dealt with these types of issues before, mainly through smart policy and R&D investments that reinforced efficient market mechanisms. We can and will do so again,” David Sandalow, an assistant secretary at the Department of Energy, recently told a U.S. Senate subcommittee.
Rare earth elements have properties that allow them to create light, powerful permanent magnets, which means mobile phones can get smaller and wind turbines can generate more energy per rotation.
James said China became dominant in rare earth production because it was able to produce them at a low cost due to lax environmental standards.
“The Chinese have paid a high environmental price for their dominance,” he said.
James said the environmental concerns surrounding the mining and processing of rare earth elements relate to the levels of thorium and uranium, radioactive elements, that occur naturally in all rare earth ore.
The complete article is available at the
Medill News Service.
Lynas Corporation Limited's (ASX: LYC) vision is to be a global leader in Rare Earths for a sustainable future; a vision realised by the passion and practices of our people.
Lynas is an ASX listed company, with the strategy to create a reliable, fully integrated source of Rare Earths supply from mine through to customers, and to become the benchmark for security of supply and environmental standards in the global Rare Earths industry.
Lynas owns the richest deposit of Rare Earths in the world at Mount Weld, Western Australia. Project development has commenced, with the first mining campaign completed and two processing plants underway. All necessary approvals required for project development have been received, the project is funded and production will commence in 2011.
Lynas Corporation reports Rare Earths price at Mt Weld hits new high
Tuesday, June 08, 2010 by Jeff Coote
Lynas Corporation (ASX: LYC) has reported a new price high of US$16.56/Kg was reached on 7 June 2010 for the average Mount Weld Rare Earths composition on a FOB China basis.
This news bodes well for Lynas as it owns the richest deposit of Rare Earths in the world at Mt Weld, 35km south of Laverton in Western Australia.
A feasibility study has been completed on the Rare Earths deposit and all Australian approvals required for project development have been received.
The new price high reinforces the value of the Mount Weld Rare Earths resource and the two plants currently under construction; the Concentration Plant in Western Australia and the Advanced Materials Plant in Malaysia.
Lynas has received the environmental and municipal approvals from the Malaysian authorities for the Plant in the Gebeng Industrial Area in Kuantan.
Lynas is on schedule to start production as planned early in the third quarter of 2011, offering the first significant source of new supply of Rare Earths outside of China.
China has recently announced that only a few select State Owned Enterprises will be allowed to mine Chinese Rare Earths resources.
According to the Chinese Society of Rare Earths, “the mineral is very much undervalued because of over-exploitation and improper management. So the latest proposal is critical and will benefit the whole industry.”
In March the Ministry of Land and Resources stopped issuing new licences until 30 June 2011 ans has capped this year's production at 89,200 tons, up 8.36% year-on-year.
The Chinese Government is tightening the controls within China to enforce the production quota system and decreasing mining which was occurring in breach of this production quota system, according to recent news reports.
Rare earth prices are only up 20% since 1979 despite demand that has tripled in the past decade.
Lynas Corporation has anticipated the increase in prices as demand continues to recover strongly in 2010.
Demand is further demonstrated by the 230% increase in Japanese Rare Earths imports in April 2010 from a year earlier, the second month in a row Japanese imports have increased significantly year-on-year.
The price high for the average Mount Weld composition prior to the global slow down in 2008/2009 was US$15.41/kg in the first week of July 2008.
Ask why Terengganu snubbed Lynas, Fuziah tells Pahang MB
By Debra Chong
Fuziah questioned Adnan’s staunch defence of the project when
his Terengganu counterpart had rejected it. — file pic |
KUALA LUMPUR, April 2 — A Pahang MP has suggested that the state mentri besar grossly overlooked key health and safety concerns in his eagerness to safeguard the RM700 million Lynas investment there — a move she said may harm its residents in the long run.
Kuantan MP Fuziah Salleh said Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Adnan Yaakob should have formed an independent panel of experts instead of relying on a single federal agency to properly evaluate the risks involved before approving the plant — touted to be the biggest rare earths refinery in the world once complete — in the coastal Gebeng industrial area.
She further said the briefing Adnan received from the Atomic Energy Licensing Board (AELB) was not comprehensive because the rare earths processing industry involves expertise from many sectors and also includes policy-making from several ministries — not just the ministry of science, technology and innovation.
“The Pahang MB should also ask the neighbouring Terengganu MB about the state’s stand over Lynas Corporation’s application to build the same plant in Teluk Kalung in 2007,” she said in open letter to Adnan.
The Gebeng plant is scheduled to come online in September.
— Picture courtesy of Lynas Corp |
The Gebeng plant is scheduled to come online in September. Earlier this week, the mentri besar was forced to reassure a restless public over his state government’s approval for Lynas to build a plant to refine rare earths ore — which contain trace amounts of radioactive material — to be shipped in all the way from its mine in Australia.
“The people seem threatened by the construction of the plant... the opposition parties are sensationalising the issue, following radiation leaks at the Fukushima Nuclear Energy Station in Japan, which was triggered by the recent earthquake and tsunami,” he was quoted saying on Thursday by national news agency Bernama, after attending a closed-door briefing on radiation safety levels.
But Fuziah said he should question experts on why no other country in the world, apart from China, has agreed to set up rare earth refineries for the last 30 years.
According to the vocal Lynas critic, Terengganu was the first port of call for Lynas but had turned down the Australian miner four years ago after consulting environmentalists and other radiation experts.
Toxicologist Dr Jayabalan Thambyappa from Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) had warned of a repeat of the Bukit Merah incident in Perak, where residents suffered birth defects and cancer after Japanese-owned Mitsubishi Chemicals operated a rare earths plant there 30 years ago.
Dr Jayabalan was among those who had treated the residents and gained first-hand experience in witnessing the harmful effects of radiation on humans.
Work on the Lynas Advanced Materials Plant (Lamp) in Gebeng started two years ago and it is set to power up in September.
The Australian company is a major supplier of the precious commodity that is used in many high technology industries, such as telecommunications, and is hoping to break China’s 97 per cent chokehold of the world market.
Fuziah noted a laundry list of other concerns that had yet to be addressed by the authorities, which included how Lynas would deal with the leach purification solids, the potentially hazardous by-product from the refining process that contains the radioactive thorium.
“How will it be managed and which rules will Lynas abide by when it starts operation? China standards or British or Australian?” she questioned.
The PKR vice-president urged Adnan to set up an independent body to analyse the radioactive impact on the environment as Gebeng is next to the sea, fed by Sungai Balok which runs right through the industrial zone.
She added that Gebeng was close to tourist magnet Cherating, and also had a thriving fishing industry.
She reminded him that he had a duty as MB to uphold the trust of the state’s citizens.
Mobilization to site has occurred in Western Australia, mobilization to site is scheduled to commence this month in Malaysia. First concentrate feed to the kiln in Malaysia is anticipated in Q3 2011.
J.P. Morgan owned "the Titanic"
J.P. Morgan 1837-1913
Morgan owned IMM, which was owned through US Steel in New Jersey. Now that does not sound like much till you think of what IMM was. It was a shipping company. One of the companies in that grouping was the White Star Line. That may not mean anything either...But what was the star ship of the White Star Line?
The Titanic!
Yes J.P. Morgan owned the Titanic. It was American owned, just sailed under the British Flag as the company was based in England. But totally American owned.
The shock of that, age, blood pressure, depression, and the many court cases dealing with that,led to his death in 1913.......